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Humidity. Warmth. Balance

Conditioned gas delivery

The InsuflowPort® is the only gas conditioning trocar and tubing to deliver 35°C and 95% carbon dioxide at relative humidity to optimise visualisation and performance.

Improve visualisation

Heating and humidifying the carbon dioxide for insufflation as it enters the body, dramatically reduces the incidence of lens-fogging for optimal visualisation.


InsuflowPort® provides consistent velocity and pneumoperitoneum, even with an instrument present. Gas does not flow through the port scope or instrument lumen. Gas flow is directed to an isolated outer channel diverting gas away from the port tip, to be delivered laterally.

InsuflowPort® series*

The InsuflowPort® is available in multiple sizes to suit your customised requirements

  • 5mm
  • 8mm
  • 10mm
  • 12mm

(*All sizes available in bariatric length)

For more information, contact Dean Fossett on 082-457-1277 or email dean@pinnaclesurgical.co.za